My First Year AS A Doula

As my one year anniversary of training as a birth doula approaches, what better way to reflect about it than with my first blog post. A year ago, I knew without a doubt this was the path I was ready to go down. All my experiences thus far had led me right where I needed to be a doula.

With three days of training under my belt, I had all the tools necessary to help birthing people. I immediately got to work networking with local doulas and asking as many questions as I could. Without their gentle guidance, I would not be where I am today. In April of 2021 I found a doula mentor (shout out to Katy). She continues to be my sounding board, and I’m so grateful for all the advice and wisdom she has shared with me. 


Once September rolled around, I added postpartum training to my skills. I have had the honor of supporting several different families in their postpartum journeys. We tend to prepare families so well for the birth of their babies however, we fail to adequately prepare them once they get home. Families need help, and as a postpartum doula it is a joy for me to serve these new families during this vulnerable time.

Birth Doula

During this first year, I had the honor of attending two births. They both were unique and amazing. There is something magical about being at a birth. To hold space for this brand new family and teeny tiny human being is so beautiful. Birth is raw and real. It’s miraculous every single time. It’s a moment in time that will never be forgotten but imprinted on the birth parents hearts forever. They understand the depth of their power and what their bodies are truly capable of. One minute they think I cannot possibly go on but then they do and in that moment they know they can do anything. This is my “why” for becoming a doula. I want families to know what their bodies are capable of. No matter what type of birth they have, I will be there to support and guide them. I am so excited to see where this journey takes me, and I’m so grateful to have you here.